Exercise in Pregnancy

If you exercised before becoming pregnant, you can continue to do the same now to maintain your fitness, a healthy weight, and prepare your body for labour.
Generally, if you are new to aerobic exercise, start off slowly and gradually build up to four half an hour sessions per week. Cycling, Pilates, swimming and yoga are all great low impact forms of exercise that you can safely do during pregnancy.
Some things to be aware of while exercising when pregnant:
- Avoid contact sports where there is a risk of being hit, such as kickboxing, football or squash
- Try not to exercise for more than 45 minutes at a time
- Don’t let yourself get too hot, and drink plenty of water whilst exercising to avoid overheating
- Don’t do exercises in which you lie flat on your back after 16 weeks. This is because the weight of your bump may compress on the main blood
vessel bringing blood back to your heart, and can make you feel dizzy or faint. - If you do experience any unusual symptoms, contact your GP or midwife as soon as possible
Remember that whatever your fitness level, it’s really important to listen to your body and do what feels comfortable for you.
The Wellbeing of My Baby approach
We know that having a baby is the most special thing to happen in a woman’s life. That is why when you visit us at our clinic, our Sonographers will take you through a supportive, personalised service that gets to the heart of your concerns and explores what you are hoping to gain from your scan. We can give you a more thorough understanding of how your baby is growing and developing throughout your pregnancy.
Our aim is to provide you with high quality scans which include an educational experience that comes together to have you leaving our clinic feeling knowledgeable and empowered.
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